Frequently Asked Questions
- What is the Guaranteed Income Supplement?
The Guaranteed Income Supplement provides additional money, on top of the Old Age Security pension, to low-income seniors living in Canada. To be eligible for the GIS benefit, you must be receiving the Old Age Security pension and meet the income requirements explained below.
- How do I get the Guaranteed Income Supplement?
You must apply for the Guaranteed Income Supplement (GIS). Contact Service Canada for an application form at 1-800-277-9914.
If you did not qualify for the GIS benefits in the past, but you think you might be eligible now, you should apply as soon as possible.
Normally, individuals must apply for the GIS benefit on their own behalf. If you are applying for someone else, please contact Service Canada for more information
- How do I find information about climate change?
- How do I find a job?
- How do I start a business?
- How do I find information about services for children, seniors, Aboriginal peoples, and more?
- How do I obtain a passport?
- How do I file a taxes and benefits return?
- How do I replace lost or stolen identification cards?
- How do I apply for a student loan?
- How do I get information on Canada's national security and safety measures?
- How do I obtain a copy of Canada's Food Guide?
- How do I get information on financial benefit programs?
- How do I explore Canada on the Internet?
- How do I research my family history?
- How do I get current weather conditions and local forecast information?
- How do I find information about immigrating to Canada or studying in Canada?
- How do I contact the following:
Government of Canada departments and agencies?
the Prime Minister?
Cabinet Ministers or heads of Government departments and agencies?
a Member of Parliament?
- How do I apply for Employment Insurance?
- How do I obtain a Social Insurance Number (SIN) card?
- How do I get information on food recalls and allergy alerts?
- How do I find information on Canada's federal political parties and their leaders?
- How do I find a postal code on-line?
- How do I get information about what I can and cannot bring home with me after travelling outside Canada?
- How do I get a message or certificate to commemorate a special birthday or anniversary from the following people:
Queen Elizabeth II
the Governor General
the Prime Minister
my Member of Parliament
- How do I sign up for e-mail updates from the Canada Site?
- How do I become an organ/tissue donor in PEI?
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