Senator Downe had the pleasure of discussing trade and CETA with the European Ambassador to Canada, H.E. Marie-Anne Coninsx.
June 2017 |
Senator Downe packing back to school kits for the students of St. Jean Elementary School in PEI thanks to the TELUS Days of Giving program on the Hill.
May 2017 |
Discussing how to improve care for COPD patients and their families with Kennie Martin, Anne & Brian Crabbe of Health PEI, and Meghan Rossiter from The Canadian Foundation for Healthcare Improvement.
May 2017 |
Senator Downe celebrating Tourism Week with Kevin Mouflier, CEO of the Tourism Industry Association of PEI.
May 2017 |
Senator Downe with Islanders David Cooke and Helen Hyndman from the Insurance Brokers Association of Canada.
May 2017 |
Senator Downe meeting with PEI Paramedics Ryan O'Meara and Matt Stryde from Island EMS during the Paramedic Services Week on the Hill.
May 2017 |
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Senator Downe hosting the Vision Health Forum on Parliament Hill to kick off Vision Health Month with the Canadian Association of Optometrists and Senator Cordy.
May 2017 |
Senator Downe was pleased to meet with Ben Davis, MS Society Atlantic Division President, and Rahil Dhatty, MS Society volunteer and National Government Relations Committee Chair.
May 2017 |
Senator Downe meets with Hennie Hoekstra and Trevor Moase from the PEI chapter of the Canadian RV and Camping Industry.
April 2017 |
Discussing trade opportunities with Wayne Farmer, President of the Canada-Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) Business Council.
April 2017 |
Discussing ways to strengthen bilateral ties with Brazilian Ambassador, His Excellency Denis Fontes de Souza Pinto.
April 2017 |
Senator Downe with Summerside Police Constable Dale Corish and Charlottetown Police Constable Tim Keizer from the Canadian Police Association.
March 2017 |
Senate Downe was pleased to meet with Daniel MacKinnon and Brian Craswell of the Dairy Farmers of PEI.
February 2017 |
Senator Downe meets with Jody Lapierre and Carl Purcey of the Canadian Labour Congress of PEI during their Day on the Hill.
February 2017 |
Senator Downe was pleased to meet with High Commissioner to Canada from Brunei Darussalam, Kamal Bashad Ahmad.
December 2016 |
Discussing trade and development opportunities with Pedro da Costa e Silva, Minister-Counsellor for the Embassy of Brazil in Ottawa.
November 2016 |
Senator Downe meets with Councillor Irene Dawson of Cornwall, PEI to discuss municipality issues during the Federation of Canadian Municipalities' lobby day in Ottawa.
November 2016 |
Senator Downe was pleased to meet with PEI nurse Cynthia Bryanton, President of the Association of Registered Nurses of PEI and Lucie Vachon from the Canadian Nurses Association.
November 2016 |
Senator Downe was pleased to meet with Nathan Hood, President of the UPEI Student Union and other students from the Canadian Alliance of Student Associations.
November 2016 |
Senator Downe meets with Chung-chen Kung, Representative of Taiwan in Canada.
November 2016 |
Discussing current events and issues with PEI teacher Natalie MacNeill from the Teachers Institute on Canadian Parliamentary Democracy.
November 2016 |
Senator Downe was pleased to meet with Michael Cuenco, an active Young Liberal interested in fighting overseas tax evasion.
November 2016 |
Discussing parliamentary research with Nik Nanos and Jennifer Hendwood of Nanos Research
November 2016 |
Senator Downe meets with Shahram Golestaneh of the Iran Democratic Association and Struan Stevenson, President of the European Iraqi Freedom Association.
October 2016 |
Pleasure meeting Special Olympics Canada Athlete from PEI, Ellen MacNearney, and others visiting Ottawa during their Hill Day.
October 2016 |
Senator Downe had the pleasure of speaking at the Rotary Club of Hillsborough in Charlottetown.
July 2016 |
Senator Downe meets with Thomas Clark from Prince Edward Island representing the Insurance Brokers Association of Canada.
June 2016 |
Meeting with European Parliamentarians and Canadian MPs to discuss migration, the comprehensive economic and trade agreement (CETA) and various other issues during the 37th Interparliamentary meeting.
May 2016 |
Senator Downe meets with Kevin Mouflier, President and CEO of the Tourism Industry Association of Prince Edward Island, and Sean Casey MP to discuss tourism issues.
May 2016 |
Senator Downe packing back to school kits for the children of Prince Street School in Prince Edward Island during the TELUS Days of Giving
May 2016 |
Senator Downe was pleased to meet with His Excellency Milan Štĕch, President of the Senate of the Czech Republic, and his delegation.
May 2016 |
Meeting with Matthew Boyse, Minister Counselor for Political Affairs and Wendy Williams, Political Specialist, for the US Embassy to Canada.
May 2016 |
Senator Downe was pleased to serve as Parliamentary host during the Canadian Association of Optometrists' Breakfast Reception and taking part in the launch of Vision Health Month.
May 2016 |
Senator Downe and His Excellency Kali Prasad Pokhrel, Ambassador of Nepal
March 2016 |
Senator Downe meets with Canadian Federation of Students representatives Anna Dubinski (left) and Valerie Campbell of the University of Prince Edward Island (right) to discuss affordable education
February 2016 |
Senator Downe and Senator Libbe Hubley meet with representatives from the Dairy Farmers of Prince Edward Island: Ronald Maynard (Secretary), Doug Thompson (General Manager) and Harold MacNevin (Chairman)
February 2016 |
Senator Downe was pleased to join Prince Edward Island MPs Robert Morrissey, Lawrence MacAulay and Sean Casey in welcoming the students from Charlottetown's Stonepark Intermediate School to Parliament Hill.
January 2016 |
Meeting with Members of the
Insurance Broker's Association of
Prince Edward Island
Left to right: Mary Beth McInnis, Mark Hickey and Karen Doiron
June 2015 |
Meeting with Shahram Golestaneh of the Iran Democratic Association
February 2015 |
Senator Downe with Her Excellency Norma Nascimbene de Dumont, Ambassador of Argentina
November 2014 |
Senator Downe with Simon Sung, Representative Bruce J.D. Linghu and Bill K.M. Chen of the Taipei Economic and Cultural Office in Canada
November 2014 |
Senator Downe with Satyajit
Sen of the University of Prince Edward Island Graduate Students' Association (left) and
David Etherington
November 2014 |
Senator Downe with Lucas MacArthur, President of the University of Prince Edward Island Student Union (left), Bahareh Jokar and Patrick Meehan
November 2014 |
Senator Downe with fellow Islanders Helen Smith-MacPhail (left) and Shelley Curley (left) on the occasion of the Teacher's Institute on Canadian Parliamentary Democracy Session in Ottawa
November 2014 |
At the 2nd Annual Turkic Canadian Convention: Strategic Partnership,
Trade and Development Senator Downe as Moderator of Panel II: Canada's Strategic Partnership and Cooperation in Central Asia and the Caucasus
November 2014 |
Senator Downe with fellow Islander,
Dr. Bonnie Gallant, OD, representing Charlottetown Vision Care on her visit to Ottawa organized by the Canadian Association of Optometrists
October 2014 |
Senator Downe with Danny McInnis, Darke Carr and Brent Stewart of the Insurance Brokers Association of Prince Edward Island
June 2014 |
Senator Downe with fellow Islanders Barry Uyterlinde, member of Chicken Farmers of Canada's Board of Directors and Janet Murphy, Executive Director of Chicken Farmers of Prince Edward Island
May 2014 |
Senator Downe with fellow Islander Wesley Johnston, Vice President of the Canadian Solar Industries Association |
Senator Downe with Conrad Sauvé, Secretary General & CEO and Ilario Maiolo, Director of Government Relations, both from the Canadian
Red Cross
May 2014 |
Meeting of the Standing Committee of Parliamentarians of the Arctic Region
February 2014 |
Senator Downe participating as a panelist in the Toronto Danforth
Debates regarding the role
of the Senate ("Forum on Canada's Senate: Where it came from, what it is and where it might be going!") along with the
Honourable Sinclair Stevens and NDP MP Craig Scott.
September 2013 |
Senator Downe met with Island representatives of the Canadian
Police Association:
Constable Tim Keizer, President of the Charlottetown Police Association & Constable Dale Corish of the Summerside Police Association
(right to left)
April 2013
Senator Downe met with Gilles Arsenault, President of the Prince Edward Island Teachers' Federation,
to discuss issues concerning
how best to support our Canadian educators and families.
April 2013 |
Senator Downe with fellow Islander Andrew Doran (right) and Cori Harcourt of Saskatchewan (left) on the occasion of the Teacher's Institute on Canadian Parliamentary Democracy Session
November 2012 |
Senator Downe with Cecil Villard, City Councillor for Charlottetown and Peter Holman, City Councillor for Summerside
Representatives of the Federation of Canadian Municipalities
November 2012
Senator Downe with Kate VanGerven, President, and Danielle MacDonald, Executive Vice President
University of Prince Edward Island Student Union
November 2012 |
Senator Downe with Canadian Federation of Student Representatives Katherine Giroux-Bougard
and Chris Gallant of the University of Prince Edward Island
October 2012 |
Senator Downe with Gail Dugas and Dennis Howlett of Canadians
for Tax Fairness
October 2012 |
Senator Downe with Colin Robertson, Vice-Chair and Louis Moubarak,
Interim President and CEO
of Canada World Youth
October 2012 |
Senator Downe with the Honourable Mike Summers, OBE, and the Honourable Roger Edwards,
Members of the Legislative Assembly of the Falkland Islands
June 2012 |
With Constable Tim Keizer, President of the Charlottetown Police Association and Director of the East Prince Edward Island Police Association
May 1, 2012 |
Senator Downe at the Asian Heritage Society PEI Annual
Asian Dinner and Concert
Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island
May 2012
Senator Downe with Ambassador Veselko Grubišić of the
Republic of Croatia
April 2012 |
Senator Downe with Jessie Inman, Chief Executive Officer, H. Wayne Hambly, Chairman of the Board, and Mike Cochrane, Chief Operating Officer of the Confederation Centre of the Arts
March 2012 |
Senator Downe participating at a
Senate Standing Committee Meeting
February 2012
(Photo provided by Senate of Canada)
Senator Downe with Ray Arsenault, dairy producer and Vice-president of the Amalgamated Dairies Limited Board, John Bysterveldt, dairy producer and Dairy Farmers of Prince Edward Island Board Director, and Doug Thompson, General Manager of the Dairy Farmers of Prince Edward Island
January 2012 |
Senator Downe with Ambassador Karel Zebrakovsky of the Czech Republic
December 2011 |
Senator Downe with the Hon. Dominic LeBlanc, PC, MP and
Ambassador Farid Shafiyev of the Embassy of the Republic of Azerbaijan
December 2011 |
Senator Downe with Minister Gerardo E. Bompadre (left) and Second Secretary Martin L. Soto (right) of the Embassy of the Argentine Republic
November 2011 |
Senator Downe with fellow Islanders Kim Dymant (left) and Jonathan Murphy (right) on the occasion of the Teacher’s Institute on Parliamentary Democracy Session
November 2011 |
Senator Downe presenting Commissioning Scroll to Second Lieutenant Andrew McDonald
Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island May, 2011
Senator Downe with Squadron Commander, Warrant Officer Second Class Chalen MacPhail
Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island
May, 2011 |
Addressing the General Assembly of the Council of Europe
Strasbourg, France
Spring 2011 |
Senator Downe with Rob Livingstone, President, and Kyle Murnaghan, Executive Vice President
University of Prince Edward Island Student Union
November 2010 |
Senator Downe meets with Special Olympian, Amber Metcalfe, a talented swimmer and curler who has won four gold medals in national competition and was named 2006 Female Athlete of the Year for Special Olympics Prince Edward Island (SO PEI).
September 2010
Meeting with Members of the Insurance Broker's Association of Prince Edward Island
June 2010
(Photo provided by Denis Drever) |
Meeting with Study Abroad Canada Representative, Shuo (Sherry) Huang and Wade MacLauchlan, President of UPEI
June 2010 |
Senator Downe with members of the European Parliament at the National Research Council - Canada Institute for Scientific and Technical Information, University of Prince Edward Island Campus
Charlottetown, May 13, 2010 |
Senator Downe listens to
Liberal Leader, Michael Ignatieff,
discuss veterans issues at
a panel discussion held
on Parliament Hill,
January 28, 2010
(Photo provided by Greg Kolz)
Senator Downe proudly supports the Vancouver 2010 Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games
December 2009 |
The Alzheimer Society of Prince Edward Island Coffee Break Fundraiser
October 2009
With Leslie Malone, Policy Associate for Environment Northeast and Michael Stobbard, Deputy Director of Environment Northeast
May 6, 2009 |
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