Senator Downe Says the Harper Government Misled Canadian Forces Veterans
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
Charlottetown Senator Percy Downe is concerned that Prime Minister Stephen Harper is failing to live up to his promise to compensate all Canadian Forces veterans who were exposed to dangerous herbicidal spraying at CFB Gagetown.
During the 2006 federal election, Stephen Harper said:
“Our government will stand up for full compensation for persons exposed to defoliant spraying during the period from 1956 to 1984. We’ll disclose all information concerning the spraying to veterans and civilians, and will provide medical testing to anyone who may have been exposed.”
In September 2007, in direct contradiction to this promise, the Harper Government announced a compensation package that is available only to those who were exposed to herbicidal spraying at CFB Gagetown in 1966 and 1967.
“I have been contacted by veterans who, based on the commitment of Stephen Harper, feel they were misled by the false promise in the 2006 election,” says Senator Downe.
In addition, New Brunswick Conservative MP Greg Thompson requested a public inquiry while he was in opposition. On September 28, 2005, in a speech in the House of Commons Thompson stated:
“In June I asked the Government of Canada to conduct a public inquiry into the herbicidal spraying program at CFB Gagetown from 1956 to 1984. About 90% of that base is in the riding I represent. I said that the public inquiry should have the authority to make recommendations for compensation of all persons affected, both civilian and military.”
Now as Minister of Veterans Affairs, he refuses to call the public inquiry he once demanded.
“Stephen Harper talks about the importance of our veteran’s contributions, but his actions don’t support his words,” concluded Downe.
October 16, 2007
The Honourable Greg Thompson, P.C., M.P.
Minister of Veterans Affairs
Veterans Affairs Canada
66 Slater Street, 16th Floor
Ottawa ON K1A 0P4
Dear Minister Thompson:
On September 12, 2007, you announced a disappointing compensation package for those exposed to herbicidal spraying at CFB Gagetown. As a result of the Harper Government’s broken commitment and inability to follow through on promises made, veterans exposed to herbicides at CFB Gagetown are contacting me to complain that they were misled by you and Prime Minister Harper.
While campaigning in the 2006 federal election, Stephen Harper stated, “our government will stand up for full compensation for persons exposed to defoliant spraying during the period from 1956 to 1984.” Yet, under the current package only those exposed to spraying between 1966 and 1967 are eligible for any compensation.
The Harper Government also continues to deny veterans groups the public inquiry they have been requesting, an inquiry you supported while in opposition. In a speech you delivered in the House of Commons on September 28, 2005, you stated:
“In June I asked the Government of Canada to conduct a public inquiry into the herbicidal spraying program at CFB Gagetown from 1956 to 1984. About 90% of that base is in the riding I represent. I said that the public inquiry should have the authority to make recommendations for compensation of all persons affected, both civilian and military.”
As the Minister of Veterans Affairs, do you no longer see the validity in conducting the public inquiry that you so passionately pursued only two years ago?
Minister Thompson, I am interested to know the answer to a question which you posed in the House of Commons on June 14, 2005 while you were in opposition, and I quote, “When is it [the Federal Government] going to act and compensate all victims, not just some?” It is time that the Harper Government follow through on its electoral promises and fairly compensate the thousands of Canadians exposed to herbicidal spraying at CFB Gagetown. I call on you to revise this limited compensation package and keep the promise you and Stephen Harper made to our veterans.
Percy E. Downe
Senator |