News Release

Monday, January 7, 2008

Charlottetown Senator Percy Downe is strongly urging the Government of Canada to update research on the impacts of rising sea-levels on Prince Edward Island.

In an exchange of correspondence with Environment Minister John Baird, Downe pointed out the need to update a June 2001 report entitled Coastal Impacts of Climate Change and Sea Level Rise on Prince Edward Island. The report indicated that the province would be directly affected by flooding in Charlottetown and other areas of the Island. Minister Baird’s response provided no direction with regard to any initiative to update the report, nor did it provide for the necessary funding required to assist Prince Edward Island in dealing with the impacts of climate change.

“The importance of up-to-date research on this issue cannot be understated. The potential impacts of rising sea-levels and climate change on Prince Edward Island are not only important for those residing in low lying areas, but it is also expected that climate change will have a drastic impact on many of the province’s vital economic sectors. Fisheries, agriculture and tourism will most certainly be negatively affected by climate change,” says Downe.

“In order to be prepared to meet the challenges of climate change and rising sea-levels, Prince Edward Island needs funding and well researched planning. I am looking forward to hearing how much of the recently announced $85.9 million to help Canadians deal with the effects of climate change will be targeted directly to Prince Edward Island,” Downe concluded.


a) Letter to Minister of Environment, dated April 19, 2007
b) Response from Minister of Environment, dated October 29, 2007
c) Follow-up Written Question tabled in the Senate, dated November 22, 2007
d) June 2001 Report entitled Coastal Impacts of Climate Change and Sea-Level Rise on Prince Edward Island:


For further information:

Senator Percy Downe: 613-943-8107
Or toll free at 1-800-267-7362


April 19, 2007

The Honourable John Baird, P.C., M.P.
Minister of Environment
Environment Canada
10 Wellington Street, 27th Floor
Gatineau QC K1A 0H3

Dear Minister Baird:

I am writing to share with you my concerns regarding the lack of updated research on the impacts of climate change and rising sea levels on Prince Edward Island. As you may be aware in June 2001, Environment Canada, National Resources Canada and Fisheries and Oceans Canada jointly released a report entitled Coastal Impacts of Climate Change and Sea-Level Rise on Prince Edward Island, as part of the Climate Change Action Fund Project.

Since 2001, other than the limited updated information included in Environment Canada’s 2006 Impacts of Sea-Level Rise and Climate Change on the Coastal Zone of Southeastern New Brunswick there has been no new work related to climate change induced sea-level rise on Prince Edward Island.

The potential impacts of climate change are of great importance for the economic and environmental future of Prince Edward Island. The livelihood of many Prince Edward Islanders involved in fisheries and agriculture directly depends on the environmental resources of the province. It is imperative that new research on the topic be conducted and that the June 2001 report be updated in its entirety.

I expect that you will see the value in updating such an important report and I look forward to hearing of your progress on this matter.

Percy E. Downe

b) Response from Minister of Environment, dated October 29, 2007

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Senate of Canada
Written Questions

No. 19.

By the Honourable Senator Downe:

November 22, 2007—With regard to the impact of Climate Change on Prince Edward Island:

The Minister of Environment, John Baird, P.C., M.P., has stated that:

"Environment Canada is approaching the problem [research on the impacts of climate change and rising sea levels on Prince Edward Island] by collaborating with various jurisdictions (including provincial governments) and providing advice on how to address their most vulnerable coastline. As part of this process, we provide information on climate change impacts, and advice on the application of appropriate adaptation measures for a given jurisdiction.''

A. Could the Minister of Environment advise as to what collaborations have taken place with various jurisdictions and the provincial government in Prince Edward Island?

B. Could the Minister of Environment specifically outline what advice has been provided regarding how Prince Edward Island should address its most vulnerable coastline?

C. Could the Minister of Environment advise what updated information has been provided on the impacts of climate change?

D. Could the Minister of Environment advise what specifically outline what has been given on the application of appropriate adaptation measures for a given jurisdiction in Prince Edward

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