Recent Funding Announcement for Confederation Centre
$4.7 Million Less than Original Commitment
August 3, 2006
Confederation Centre of the Arts is still $4.7 million short of the funding that was promised by the Government of Canada. A review of the backgrounder documentation from the recent announcement by Canadian Heritage Minister Bev Oda reveals that Confederation Centre will receive only $1.1 million of the promised $5.8 million in new funding.
The Harper Conservatives continue to shortchange Confederation Centre of the Arts, says Senator Percy Downe.
“In November 2005, the previous Liberal government pledged a total of $5.8-million in additional funding for the Centre. The Harper Government cancelled that commitment and is offering to restore only 20% of the money.”
After the last federal election, the Conservatives signalled they had no intention of honouring this agreement.
However, after an immense amount of pressure from the Island community, the Conservatives appeared to relent.
“Unfortunately, it was too good to be true,” Senator Downe said.
A review of government supporting documentation reveals the following discrepancies between the two announcements:
Confederation Centre of the Arts
2006-07 |
2007-08 |
2008-09 |
Total |
Additional Liberal Funding: November 2005 |
$1-million |
$2-million |
$2.8-million |
$5.8 million |
Additional Conservative Funding: July 2006
$375,000 |
$375,000 |
$375,000 |
$1.1 million |
“The figures clearly indicate that the ‘restoration’ of funding has not happened,” Senator Downe said.
Much of the increased funding was designated to position the Confederation Centre of the Arts to more fully realize its national mandate through touring, exhibitions and educational activities.
“I’m sure the Centre will do a tremendous job with the limited allocated funds - but I also believe there is much more they could have done if the Harper Conservatives had respected the agreement that was reached last year.”
Note: Please see following detailed backgrounders of the Ministry of Canadian Heritage announcements of July 2006 and November 2005.
Confederation Centre of the Arts Receives Support From Canada's New Government
CHARLOTTETOWN, July 21, 2006 - The Honourable Beverley J. Oda, Minister of Canadian Heritage and Status of Women, today announced federal government funding for the Confederation Centre of the Arts. The funds will support the Centre's operations and various activities, which include developing partnerships with the public and private sectors, providing services and programming in both official languages, and presenting the Charlottetown Festival.
"Every year, thousands of Canadians and tourists come to Prince Edward Island to take part in cultural activities at the Confederation Centre, whose reputation for artistic excellence has extended beyond the province's borders," said Minister Oda. "The Confederation Centre of the Arts makes a significant contribution to our country's cultural vitality. It offers the public exceptional artistic experiences and an opportunity to appreciate our rich cultural diversity."
The Confederation Centre of the Arts was created in 1964 as a major federal-provincial memorial to the Fathers of Confederation. Its mandate is to inspire Canadians to celebrate the creative vision of Confederation and Canada's evolving nationhood.
"We must invest in the creative potential of our communities and cultural spaces so that we can build an even more modern and innovative country," said Minister Oda. "Canada's new Government is committed to helping artistic organizations support cultural activities in their communities and ensure their long-term financial sustainability."
"On behalf of the Fathers of Confederation Buildings Trust, I wish to express sincerest thanks to Minister Oda and the Department of Canadian Heritage for supporting the Confederation Centre of the Arts," said Trust Chair H. Wayne Hambly. "This increased funding will allow us to expand the Centre's cultural impact across Canada and beyond by providing patrons with the highest-quality experience and showcasing Canadian visual and performing arts and artists."
The Department of Canadian Heritage will provide $5,625,000 in funding for the period from 2006 to 2009. Starting this year, the Confederation Centre will receive an additional $375,000 over the $1,500,000 from the previous agreement. The increased annual contribution of $1,875,000 will continue over the next two years and reflects the stable, long-term funding that the Centre was seeking. Funding is provided through the Fathers of Confederation Buildings Trust Program, whose goal is to increase the ability of the Trust to develop and maintain the Centre as Canada's unique national memorial to the Fathers of Confederation.
Nancy Heppner
Director of Communications
Office of the Minister of Canadian Heritage and Status of Women
819 997-7788
Claudine Daigle
Director of Communications,
Atlantic Region
Canadian Heritage
506 851-3980
Canadian Heritage
2006-2007 |
2007-2008 |
2008-2009 |
Committed funding |
$1,500,000 |
$1,500,000 |
$1,500,000 |
Additional funds |
$375,000 |
$375,000 |
$375,00 |
$1,875,000 |
$1,875,000 |
$1,875,000 |
- Since 1965, the Government of Canada has contributed annually to the operation of the Confederation Centre of the Arts. In 2001-2002, a multi-year agreement was developed between the Centre and the Department of Canadian Heritage, providing $1,200,000 annually. This amount was increased to $1,500,000 annually in 2002. The current announcement includes a supplement of $375,000 in the current fiscal year and an increase to $1,875,000 each of the following two fiscal years.
- Annual supplementary funding of $375,000 is being provided for the period between 2006 and 2009 to cover costs related to the operating budget of the Confederation Centre of the Arts.
- The Confederation Centre of the Arts was established in 1964 as the only official memorial to the Fathers of Confederation. Its construction was a joint initiative of the Government of Canada and all of the provincial governments to mark the centennial of the 1864 Charlottetown Conference. The Fathers of Confederation Buildings Trust was established to operate the facility.
- The Confederation Centre of the Arts is responsible for the operation and maintenance of the building that houses a memorial hall, an art gallery/museum, and theatres.
- The Confederation Centre of the Arts' mandate is to inspire all Canadians to celebrate, through heritage and the arts, the creative vision of Confederation, and Canada's evolving nationhood.
********************************************************************* |
Government of Canada Strengthens its Commitment to Artistic Excellence
MONTRÉAL, November 23, 2005 -- Minister of Canadian Heritage and Minister responsible for Status of Women Liza Frulla today announced a historic investment in the arts. This investment of $342 million over the next three years will increase funding for arts organizations throughout Canada, especially major centres of excellence such as the National Ballet of Canada, Les Grands Ballets Canadiens, the Canadian Opera Company and the Citadel Theatre in Edmonton.
"Brilliant visual artists, inspired writers and gifted performers capture the stories of our country in works of art, literary works and song. The artistic excellence of which Canadians are so richly capable must be saluted and celebrated," said Minister Frulla. "Today I am proud to demonstrate to Canadians the Government of Canada's commitment to artists and the arts."
The Canada Council for the Arts is the principal channel through which the federal government provides support for professional artists and non-profit arts organizations. In 2007, the Canada Council will celebrate its 50th anniversary. Today's announcement doubles the Council's funding so that it will reach $300 million by 2008. The new funding will allow the best arts organizations in all regions of Canada to attain new standards of creative excellence and innovation. The increased funding provided for artists' tours and shows, both in Canada and abroad, will enable people from Canada and elsewhere to share the richness of Canada's cultural excellence -- in all its diversity.
"The National Arts Centre, our national training institutions and the Confederation Centre for the Arts in Charlottetown are vital participants in the government's cultural objectives. Today's announcement provides additional support to them," concluded Minister Frulla.
By strengthening cultural excellence in Canada, this investment embraces the spirit of the Convention on the Protection and Promotion of the Diversity of Cultural Expressions, which was adopted last month by an overwhelming majority of UNESCO member states.
The Government of Canada recognizes the importance of a thriving arts sector for Canada's competitiveness and prosperity. This type of investment helps build vibrant communities that contribute to the social and economic development of every part of Canada.
For further information on this announcement, please refer to the backgrounders attached to this news release on the Department of Canadian Heritage Web site at under Media Room.
Funding for this initiative will be provided from the remaining planning surplus in the Economic and Fiscal Update of November 2005.
Jean-François Del Torchio
Press Secretary
Office of the Minister of Canadian Heritage and Minister responsible for Status of Women
(819) 997-7788
Jean-Guy Beaupré
Chief, Media Relations
Canadian Heritage
(819) 997-9314
Details of New Investment in the Arts
This investment in the arts will double the Canada Council for the Arts' funding by 2008 and will provide the arts sector with much improved financial stability.
These new resources will enable the Council to significantly increase its support for artistic creation, national and international touring, and the Public Lending Right Program, which compensates authors for access to their works provided by public libraries.
This investment will also:
- enable Foreign Affairs Canada to increase the presence of Canadian artists abroad
- enable the National Arts Centre to enhance its Regional Scenes series, as well as its touring and educational activities
- enable the Department of Canadian Heritage to better support high-calibre arts training institutions, and further the national mandate of the Confederation Centre of the Arts in Charlottetown.
Funding will be allocated as follows:
2006-2007 |
2007-2008 |
2008-2009 |
2006-2009 |
Canada Council for the Arts |
$56.5 M |
$100 M |
$150 M |
$306.5 M |
Foreign Affairs Canada -
International Touring |
$2 M |
$4 M |
$5 M |
$11 M |
National Arts Centre |
$1.5 M |
$2 M |
$3 M |
$6.5 M |
National Arts Training Contribution Program |
$2 M |
$4 M |
$6 M |
$12 M |
Confederation Centre of the Arts |
$1 M |
$2 M |
$2.8 M |
$5.8 M |
$63 M
$112 M
$166.8 M
$341.8 M
Canada Council for the Arts
2006-2007 |
2007-2008 |
2008-2009 |
Existing resources |
$151 M |
$151 M |
$151 M |
New resources |
$56.5 M |
$100 M |
$150 M |
$207.5 M |
$251 M |
$301 M |
With these new resources, the Canada Council for the Arts will be able to:
- better support our most creative arts organizations of all sizes in all regions
- greatly increase resources for domestic and international touring
- expand support for the work of individual artists in more communities across the country
- increase the resources of the Public Lending Right Program, which compensates authors for access to their works provided by public libraries
- better honour the highest achievements of Canadian artists
Canada's arts sector enriches our communities and projects an image of a creative and innovative country to audiences around the world. This investment will play a key role in building and stabilizing Canada's arts sector, enabling it to invest in the creative activity essential for artistic excellence.
The role of the Canada Council for the Arts, which was created in 1957, is to foster and promote the study and enjoyment of, and the production of works in, the arts. The Canada Council is the principal means through which the federal government provides support for professional artists and non-profit arts organizations through a broad range of grants and services in music, theatre, writing and publishing, visual arts, dance, media arts, and interdisciplinary and performance art.
The Canada Council for the Arts is overseen by an eleven-member Board appointed by the Government of Canada. The Council relies heavily on the advice of artists and arts professionals from all parts of Canada. It reports to Parliament through the Minister of Canadian Heritage.
Foreign Affairs Canada - International touring
2006-2007 |
2007-2008 |
2008-2009 |
Existing resources |
$3 M |
$3 M |
$3 M |
New resources |
$2 M |
$4 M |
$5 M |
$5 M |
$7 M |
$8 M |
With these new resources, Foreign Affairs Canada will be able to:
- increase support for dissemination and touring in a range of artistic disciplines, consistent with public diplomacy objectives
- enable international audiences to share the artistic experiences our finest artists and arts organizations have to offer
This new investment will allow Foreign Affairs Canada to enhance Canada's international profile as a creative and innovative country. These resources will complement the Canada Council for the Arts' investment in international touring by ensuring that foreign missions can make the most of the presence of Canadian artists abroad and by focusing on diplomatic priority countries.
National Arts Centre
2006-2007 |
2007-2008 |
2008-2009 |
Existing resources |
$3.2 M |
$3.2 M |
$3.2 M |
New resources |
$1.5 M |
$2 M |
$3 M |
$4.7 M |
$5.2 M |
$6.2 M |
The National Arts Centre (NAC) plays a key role in showcasing the talent of Canadian artists.
With these new resources, the NAC will be able to:
- increase its investment in showcasing artistic excellence through its biennial Scenes regional arts festivals, which celebrate artists from all parts of Canada and provide them with national and international exposure
- fund broader touring of the NAC Orchestra, as well as theatrical productions and co-productions
- invest in additional educational outreach activities for young people
The NAC, which reports to Parliament through the Minister of Canadian Heritage, first opened in 1969. Created by the Parliament of Canada as a Centennial project in the 1960s, it has become a leading showcase for the performing arts. It is the only multidisciplinary, bilingual performing arts centre in North America and one of the largest in the world.
Canadian Heritage
National Arts Training Contribution Program
2006-2007 |
2007-2008 |
2008-2009 |
Existing resources |
$16.7 M |
$16.7 M |
$16.7 M |
New resources |
$2 M |
$4 M |
$6 M |
$18.7 M |
$20.7 M |
$22.7 M |
Confederation Centre of the Arts
2006-2007 |
2007-2008 |
2008-2009 |
Existing resources |
$1.2 M |
$1.2 M |
$1.2 M |
New resources |
$1 M |
$2 M |
$2.8 M |
$2.2 M |
$3.27 M |
$4 M |
With these new resources, the Department of Canadian Heritage will be able to:
- adequately support national arts training schools
- position the Confederation Centre of the Arts to more fully realize its national mandate through Canadian creation, touring, exhibitions and educational activities
The National Arts Training Contribution Program supports organizations that specialize in training Canadians for national and international arts careers in disciplines such as music, theatre, dance, and visual arts. Alumni from national arts training programs contribute to the fame and excellence of Canada's major ballets, orchestras, and theatre companies.
The Confederation Centre of the Arts was created in 1964 as a major federal-provincial-territorial Centennial project and as a memorial to the Fathers of Confederation. Its mandate is to inspire Canadians to celebrate the creative vision of Confederation and Canada's evolving nationhood.