News Releases

Senator Downe Calls Attention To The Basic Flaws In The Delivery Of
The Guaranteed Income Supplement For Low-Income Seniors

October 6, 2004

Senator Percy Downe introduced a Notice of Inquiry in the Senate today on the Guaranteed Income Supplement (GIS) program for low-income seniors. Senator Downe will deliver a speech in the Senate on the topic within the next two weeks. He urges all Island seniors to determine whether they or their family members are receiving federal benefits to which they are entitled.

“According to Statistics Canada, more than 500 Island seniors are not receiving the Guaranteed Income Supplement- even though they are eligible for the program. I hope that we can bring enough attention to this situation to ensure that all qualified seniors are getting the benefits they deserve.”

The Guaranteed Income Supplement (GIS) is paid to those Canadians who are receiving an Old Age Security pension- but who have either little or no other income.

“The GIS will pay up to $550 per month for qualified seniors- and this can make a tremendous difference in the lives of many seniors,” Senator Downe said.

Currently, about 9,300 Island seniors receive the supplement. Since its introduction, the supplement is credited with helping to reduce the national poverty rate among seniors from about 11 per cent to 7.3 per cent today.

“I believe that part of the problem is that the requirements to receive the GIS are too rigid. Many qualified seniors do not file tax returns- because they aren’t required to pay taxes. As a result they may be unaware of the program requirements. The current administration of the program does not allow the government any means of directly contacting those individuals,” Senator Downe said.

“Islanders can help as well,” Senator Downe said. “If you have family members, friends or neighbors who may be qualified, make sure they are getting their appropriate benefits.”

Program information and application forms for the GIS are available by phoning the Government of Canada toll-free number of 1-800-277-9914.

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