October 6, 2020
“They abandoned the field”:
PEI senator calls for accountability for the CBC’s cancellation of local television news during pandemic
Charlottetown Senator Percy Downe has asked the federal government why the Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission (CRTC) did not hold the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC) responsible for its decision to suspend local television news broadcasts at the beginning of the pandemic in March 2020, in direct violation of their licensing agreement.
“At the onset of the pandemic, when we needed the CBC the most, they abandoned the field,” said Downe.
The CBC made the decision to suspend local broadcasts unilaterally, ignoring their licensing agreement, which requires public consultation and CRTC approval as a condition of their broadcast license. Under that license granted by the CRTC, the CBC committed to “at least 7 hours of local programming per week”. The only exceptions the CBC identified were during sporting events such as NHL playoff games or statutory holidays.
Moreover, the CRTC also decided “the CBC cannot reduce the level of local programming under seven hours without Commission approval following a public process.”
In the intervening months it appears that the CRTC has done nothing to hold the CBC to account for its failure to live up to the obligations of its license agreement and its decision to act without proper consultation, both with the public and with the Commission itself.
Canadians were wondering if the Prime Minister or the Minister of Heritage could intervene to reverse the CBC’s decision, but they could not, because the CBC is an arms-length independent institution. The only body that could compel the CBC to abide by its licensing agreement is the CRTC. Unfortunately, the CRTC failed to do so.
“Why is the CRTC not doing their job?” asked Downe of the government’s spokesperson in the Senate. “That’s a question I would like you to find out on our behalf.”
Government Representative in the Senate, Senator Marc Gold, replied that he would look into the issue and report his findings to Senator Downe.
Senator Downe raised the matter during Question Period in the Senate, describing the situation in Prince Edward Island where rural internet service is amongst the worst in Canada and a high proportion of the population are seniors (the most vulnerable during this pandemic). The CBC decided to stop broadcasting Prince Edward Island’s only locally produced evening television news program. This deprived the province of a media resource critical for the distribution of information during the pandemic.
Although the experience of Prince Edward Island is unique, the loss of CBC local television news in smaller markets, less well served by private broadcasters, was a problem felt throughout the country.
2nd Session, 43rd Parliament
Volume 152, Issue 4
Friday, October 2, 2020
The Honourable George J. Furey, Speaker
Hon. Percy E. Downe: My question is for Senator Gold, the spokesperson for the government in the Senate. Prince Edward Islanders were surprised on March 18, at the beginning of the pandemic, that CBC Toronto decided that they would cancel all local newscasts. Prince Edward Island only has one English newscast in the province, and it’s the CBC. We were surprised that when we appealed to the CRTC, the Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission — because CBC gets their license from the CRTC — it was pointed out by the CRTC that the CBC, as a condition of their license, promised “at least 7 hours of local programming per week . . .” Another condition was that they could not change that without approval from the CRTC following a public process of consultation. None of that was done.
Islanders, of course, were asking, “who do we appeal to?” We are at the beginning of a pandemic, we have a province with a high percentage of seniors and some of the worst rural internet connections in Canada. The information from the local CBC TV news was critical for the health and well-being of Prince Edward Islanders. CRTC did nothing, and Prince Edward Islanders were wondering if the Prime Minister or the Minister of Heritage could do anything. Of course, they can’t, because the CBC is an independent organization.
Will the government inquire why the CRTC failed in their responsibility to enforce the conditions that the CBC agreed to operate under?
Hon. Marc Gold (Government Representative in the Senate): Thank you for that question. I won’t take time to express my understanding of the importance of local news programming in Prince Edward Island, or indeed everywhere in this country. Not having had any notice of this question, I was unable to make inquiries. I certainly will, Senator Downe, and report to you personally during the break if I have answers, or upon our return.
Senator Downe: The weakness here was the CRTC. The CBC, in the view of Islanders, made an idiotic statement. At the beginning of the pandemic, when we needed it the most for information, they abandoned the field… The employees were not asking for that. They said they could carry on and provide the service. It was somebody at CBC Toronto who decided to do it… The CBC eventually backtracked, but they were putting the lives of Islanders at risk. The provincial health authorities were trying to get information out on conduct, how to behave and what the situation was, and we were left with — fortunately — a daily newspaper and radio stations, but the primary CBC news was gone. The disappointing factor was the CRTC, which was responsible for making them keep that newscast on, did not do their job. Why is the CRTC not doing their job? That’s a question I would like you to find out on our behalf.
For further information:
Senator Percy Downe: 613-943-8107
Or toll free at 1-800-267-7362
http://sen.parl.gc.ca/pdowne |