Senator Pushes Law to Give War Veterans
Public Service Hiring Priority
A Liberal senator has written Prime Minister Stephen Harper asking him to back legislation that would give retired war veterans hiring priority in the federal public service.
Senator Percy Downe tabled the proposed amendments to the Public Service Employment Act in the Senate last week.
Downe says fast-tracking public service jobs for retiring veterans who have served in war zones would be a concrete follow-up to the Conservative prime minister's stated support of the military.
Downe says it is important to offer more rewards and incentives to soldiers, sailors and air crew as they take on more difficult tasks around the world.
Last year, the Senate finance committee was told the average age of military retirees is 36.
Downe says the skills and experience such young retirees have gained can serve the public in many ``different and valuable ways,'' and he proposes that a priority service for veterans seeking public service jobs could be modeled on the current system for political staff - a practice the Tories oppose. |