Downe Fires Back at Critics of Senate
P.E.I. Senator Describes Upper Chamber as Protecting Small Regions from Larger, More Powerful
The Canadian Senate serves a useful purpose, providing a voice to those who are without one, says Charlottetown Senator Percy Downe.
"The Senate has to be there to protect smaller and less-populated regions from the larger and more powerful," said Downe, in a presentation to the electoral district 23 Liberal fundraiser held at the legion here Friday.
He is one of three sitting Island senators. A fourth seat remains unoccupied after Eileen Rossiter stepped down when she reached the mandatory Senate retirement age of 75.
The Senate is structured so that every region has equal representation, said Downe, noting that women make up 33 per cent of the red chamber's members, compared to just 20 per cent in the House of Commons.
"Thirteen per cent of senators are from visible minorities and five per cent are aboriginals - all much higher percentages than the House of Commons," said Downe, who is a member of two Senate committees - national finance and foreign affairs.
"Beyond its central roles - protection of minority and regional interests and the detailed review of proposed legislation - the Senate also has a very active committee system," said Downe.
And contrary to what is the popular perception, senators earn their yearly stipend.
"Last year alone, the Senate reviewed 77 bills, of these 23 bills were first introduced in the Senate. On average, Senate committees amend nine per cent of government bills."
Senate committees are a portal to the public, through which concerns about laws and legislation can be addressed as well as festering issues in society, he said.
"In the past year, the Senate committees met 445 times and heard from 1,284 witnesses and wrote 144 reports," said Downe.
Downe then fired back at critics, including those who claim senators boast a spotty attendance record at best.
"The Senate is the only legislative assembly in Canada which takes attendance and grants access of the finding to the public and the media," said Downe.
"The Senate has voluntarily published the attendance of senators. These records include the attendance in chamber business and committee meetings and are signed monthly by senators."
The Senate is cracking down on senators with poor attendance records by adopting a new set of rules and deducting pay for non-attendance, he said.
Downe took aim at the province of Alberta, which has held elections for senators.
Those senators have remained senators-in-waiting, since the last two prime ministers , Jean Chretien and Paul Martin , have refused to appoint them to the red chamber.
"The Canadian Constitution gives the Senate and the House of Commons much of the same powers," Downe said.
"The two chambers have evolved so that they co-ordinate and complement one another.
"This reality could change with the election of senators. The two chambers could easily reach a statemate situation without any avenue to resolve conflict. The Senate would become a chamber of obstruction, with the ability to block the government from passing legislation . . . On a more basic level, elected senators would become more political and focussed on re-election."
Downe argued that Canada doesn't need two House of Commons, but a system with two chambers that work together and complement each other, as does the current Senate with the House of Commons.
Downe did not rule out reform, believing it long overdue after 138 years, but he argued an elected Senate is not the answer.
"The current Senate tends to be less partisan than the House of Commons and senators work not only on high profile issues that receive media attention, but also on the unexciting work of reviewing legislation that can have tremendous impacts on the lives of ordinary Canadians."