Guest Opinion by Senator Percy E. Downe
Taking Significant Steps to Stop Island's Brain Drain
The commitment by the Government of Canada to deepen Prince Edward Island’s participation in Canada’s scientific community took a significant leap forward last week with the announcement of the National Research Council Institute at our university.
Coupled with last year’s federal investment of $18 million in the Atlantic Veterinary College, the National Research Council project offers our province a new opportunity to broaden our economy- and deepen the options available to young Islanders.
However, winning those options and opportunities for Prince Edward Island was not a simple task.
There is often a prevailing prejudice within our country that research is only properly conducted within seeing distance of the CN Tower.
Of course, this is absurd. But without the strenuous efforts of University of Prince Edward Island President Wade MacLaughlan, the Honourable Wayne Easter, Hillsborough Member of Parliament Shawn Murphy, Industry Minister Allan Rock and others- these announcements would never seen the light of day.
As a result of those efforts, the combined federal investment in the National Research Council Institute and the Atlantic Veterinary College is $46-million in the future of Prince Edward Island- and every participant deserves the thanks of Islanders.
But beyond the expenditure of dollars is an expression of confidence in our province’s future- and a firm statement that research and development must be national objectives. For too long now, our province has often experiences a “brain drain” to central Canada, the United States and other international destinations. The decision to make major investments right here on Prince Edward Island will go a long way to combating that tendency.
Additionally, there are huge anticipated benefits beyond the university and research community.
Part of the thinking behind the twin university projects is a recognition that the private sector can thrive in a community that prizes research and innovation.
By fostering a hub around which research can blossom, that activity can develop into commercial, marketable products. In turn, those products generate further work- and a cycle that truly benefits our society is fully in gear.
In the case of the national Research Council facility, that cycle will begin- with a theme that concerns all Canadians: health promotion.
Of course, this is a growing area of importance, both nationally and internationally. And as work gets fully underway- and partnerships are struck with other research groups- Prince Edward Island will become an increasingly attractive destination for a variety of other health professionals.
The reason for that is simple: A centre of excellence like the one evolving on Prince Edward Island serves as a magnet to other interested individuals who are able to share information and collaborate in a collegial atmosphere.
While I strongly congratulate the participants in these projects for their success, I do believe three is much more to accomplish.
Beginning the cycle of diversification, research and innovation is a good first step. And it is clear that there is now a willingness at the federal level to decentralize these efforts to Canada’s regions.
However, taking full advantage of the opportunities that are now beginning to flourish will take long-term plans, hard work and imagination. In turn, I firmly believe the work that many talented Islanders are prepared to invest in these ventures will see our new research facilities grow in the years to come- and result in a wealth of attractive, challenging opportunity for generations of Islanders to come.
our province enjoys the social and economic benefits of $1,200 secure and well paying jobs, a payroll of $68 million and the valuable contribution of the men and women both to the national public service and the entire province. |