Written Questions Tabled in the Senate Chamber
by Senator Downe, 39th Parliament, 2nd Session
- Government Decentralization
- Impact of Climate Change and Rising Sea Levels on Prince Edward Island
- Governor in Council Appointments
- Ministerial Appointments
- Funding for 2009 Canada Summer Games in Prince Edward Island
- Relocation of Public Servants from Ottawa to Gatineau
- Pesticide Use and your Health
- Naming of Federal Government Buildings - Equality
- Agent Orange Ex Gratia Payments to Those Exposed to Herbicidal Spraying in Gagetown
- Government of Canada's Use of Employment Services
- Burma and Human Rights - The Government of Canada's Role
- Impact of Climate Change and Rising Sea Levels on Prince Edward Island - Part II
October 16, 2007
1. With respect to government decentralization:
A. Could the Government of Canada provide a copy of any reports and/or briefing notes that have been prepared since December 2003 for the Prime Minister or any other minister regarding proposals to relocate government departments (or parts thereof), agencies and Crown corporations from the National Capital area to the regions of Canada?
B.Could the Government of Canada provide reports and/or briefing notes prepared by any government department since December 2003 assessing which government departments (or parts thereof), agencies or Crown corporations could be relocated from the National Capital area to the regions of Canada?
2. With regard to the impact of climate change on Prince Edward Island:
In June 2001, Environment Canada, Natural Resources Canada and Fisheries and Oceans Canada jointly released a report entitled Coastal Impacts of Climate Change and Sea-Level Rise on Prince Edward Island as part of the Climate Change Action Fund project.
A. Could the Minister of Environment advise if there have been any updates to the study since the release of the report in June 2001?
B. Could the Minister please provide any additional information since June 2001 on the impacts of climate change and rising sea-levels on Prince Edward Island?
3. With respect to Governor in Council appointments:
A. Could the Government of Canada provide a list of all Governor in Council (GIC) appointments of Prince Edward Island residents appointed between June 1, 2007, and October 15, 2007?
B. Could the Government of Canada provide the name of the appointee, the board, agency, commission or other appointment they received and the length of the term?
4. With respect to ministerial appointments:
A. Could the Government of Canada provide a list of all Ministerial appointments of Prince Edward Island residents appointed between June 1, 2007, and October 15, 2007?
B. Could the Government of Canada provide the name of the appointee, the appointment they received and the length of the term?
5. Over $230 million has been invested in the Canada Summer and Winter Games since inception. From track and field complexes to ski hills, soccer pitches to swimming pools, a legacy of sports facilities have been built up in 19 medium-sized communities across Canada.
A. Could the Government of Canada provide all statistics, documents, briefing notes, or assessments regarding the Canada Games Financial Framework including:
i. the procedural guidelines for inflationary adjustments; and
ii. a description of acceptable “essential operating” costs?
B. Could the Government of Canada provide the total amount actually spent on the 2005 Canada Summer Games in Regina?
C. Could the Government of Canada provide all statistics, documents, briefing notes, or assessments regarding its financial commitment to the 2009 Canada Summer Games in Prince Edward Island including:
i. the present financial contribution; and
ii. the total proposed financial contribution?
6. In May 2007, the Minister of Public Works announced that thousands of public servants will relocate from Ottawa to Gatineau.
A. Could the Minister of Public Works provide all statistics, documents, briefing notes, or assessments prepared regarding the May 2007 decision to relocate public servants from the Ottawa to Gatineau regions?
7. In 1997, the North American Free Trade Agreement Technical Working Group (TWG) on Pesticides was established to serve as a focal point for addressing pesticide related issues. The TWG’s primary objective is to facilitate cost effective pesticide regulation and trade among Canada, Mexico, and the United States through harmonization.
A. Could the Government of Canada provide all statistics, documents, briefing notes, or assessments from January 2004 to September 2007 on the following:
i. How many cases exist where Canadian pesticide standards have been lowered in order to harmonize regulations with the United States?
ii. How many cases exist where Canadian pesticide standards have been increased in order to harmonize regulations with the United States?
iii. How many products were affected from lowering Canadian pesticide standards in order to harmonize pesticide regulations with the United States?
iv. How many products were affected from increasing Canadian pesticide standards in order to harmonize pesticide regulations with the United States?
v. What are the standards Canadian officials use to determine whether or not to lower pesticide standards?
vi. What percentage of Canadian pesticide residue levels are stricter than American standards?
vii. What percentage of products in Canada are found to exceed legal residue limits?
8. With respect to naming federal government buildings:
Federal government buildings have been named in honour of individuals who have made invaluable contributions to Canadian society. While many Canadian men and women from various careers have contributed to the success of Canada, it appears that the names of federal government buildings are restricted almost exclusively to former male politicians.
i. Could the Minister of Public Works please provide a list of the names of all Canadian federal government buildings?
ii. Could the Minister of Public Works please provide the percentage of federal government buildings which are named after women?
iii. Could the Minister of Public Works please provide the percentage of federal government buildings which are named after former politicians?
9. With respect to the Agent Orange Ex Gratia payment:
On September 12, 2007, the Harper Government announced a disappointing compensation package for people affected by the spraying of Agent Orange at CFB Gagetown, offering payment only to those who served between 1966 and 1967. While campaigning in the 2006 federal election, Stephen Harper stated, “Our Government will stand up for full compensation for persons exposed to defoliant spraying during the period from 1956 to 1984.”
A. Could the Government of Canada advise as to why it has not honoured its promise to provide compensation to individuals exposed to spraying during the period of 1956 to 1984?
B. Could the Government of Canada advise as to why it is using February 6, 2006, as the cutoff date for this compensation package?
10. With regard to the Government of Canada’s Use of Employment Services:
A. Could the Government of Canada provide the total costs associated with the use of headhunters, executive recruiters, and employment agencies in hiring exempt political staff since January 2006 for the following:
i. Ministerial Offices
ii. Prime Minister’s Office
B. Could the Government of Canada provide the following information pertaining to the use of headhunters, executive recruiters, and employment agencies for Governor in Council appointments:
i. What was the total number of individuals recruited using employment services since January 2006?
ii. How many of these individuals were appointed?
iii. What vacant positions were these individuals expected to fill?
iv. What was the total cost for using various employment services?
October 23, 2007
11. With Respect to Burma:
Under the military junta, Burma has achieved one of the worst human rights records in the world. Over three decades of military dictatorship has led to widespread suppression of democratic ideals such as freedom of speech, association, assembly and the murder of innocent people. Could the Government of Canada provide all emails, correspondences, briefing notes, or assessments regarding its position on the following:
A. What measures is the Government of Canada taking to ensure Canadian corporations end all commercial ties with Burma?
B. What measures is the Government of Canada taking to ensure that no additional commercial contracts form between Canadian companies and Burma?
C. What domestic steps is the Government of Canada pursuing to guarantee those Canadian corporations financially benefiting from economic activity in Burma are restricted from securing any contracts from the Government of Canada?
D. What steps is the Government of Canada taking to assure the Canadian Pension Plan Investment Board does not maintain any direct or indirect holdings in companies conducting business with Burma?
E. What bilateral and multilateral efforts is the Government of Canada using to persuade Burma’s military junta to relinquish power?
F. What diplomacy is occurring between the Government of Canada and members of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations, China, and India to pressure Burma’s military junta to end violence against the people of Burma?
G. What methods is the Government of Canada employing to pressure Burma’s military junta to release Aung San Suu Kyi, the leader of the National League for Democracy party?
November 22, 2007
12. With regard to the impact of Climate Change on Prince Edward Island:
The Minister of Environment, John Baird, P.C., M.P., has stated that:
“Environment Canada is approaching the problem [research on the impacts of climate change and rising sea levels on Prince Edward Island] by collaborating with various jurisdictions (including provincial governments) and providing advice on how to address their most vulnerable coastline. As part of this process, we provide information on climate change impacts, and advice on the application of appropriate adaptation measures for a given jurisdiction.”
A. Could the Minister of Environment advise as to what collaborations have taken place with various jurisdictions and the provincial government in Prince Edward Island?
B. Could the Minister of Environment specifically outline what advice has been provided regarding how Prince Edward Island should address its most vulnerable coastline?
C. Could the Minister of Environment advise what updated information has been provided on the impacts of climate change?
D. Could the Minister of Environment advise what specifically outline what has been given on the application of appropriate adaptation measures for a given jurisdiction in Prince Edward Island?
February 28, 2008
13. With respect to the use of Agent Orange at CFB Gagetown:
While campaigning for the 2006 federal election, Stephen Harper stated:
"Our government will stand up for full compensation for persons exposed to defoliant spraying during the period from 1956 to 1984. We'll disclose all information concerning the spraying to veterans and civilians, and will provide medical testing to anyone who may have been exposed.''
Contrary to that statement, on September 12, 2007, the Conservative Government announced a compensation package that was available only to those exposed to the herbicidal spraying at CFB Gagetown between the years 1966 and 1967.
Would the Government of Canada please provide any and all documentation provided by the United States of America confirming the following:
A. the specific dates that herbicidal spraying programs were conducted at CFB Gagetown from 1952 to the present?
B. the specific dates that Agent Orange spraying was conducted at CFB Gagetown from 1952 to the present?
C. that 1966 and 1967 were the only years that unregulated herbicides were used at CFB Gagetown.
14. With respect to Veterans Affairs Canada:
Would the Government of Canada confirm the following:
1. What is the breakdown showing the deployment of Veterans Affairs Canada staff (by percentage) in the Departmental Headquarters in Ottawa and Charlottetown, regional, sub-regional, and district offices across Canada?
2. What are the names and titles of departmental staff in the Head Office in Ottawa?
3. What is the authorized number of employees in the Veterans Review and Appeal Board?
4. What is the breakdown of the location of the Veterans Review and Appeal Board members and employees in the various regional and/or district offices of Veterans Affairs Canada?
5. Are there any vacancies in the Veterans Review and Appeal Board, and if so, how long have the vacancies existed and when are they expected to be filled?
April 8, 2008
15. With regard to the Guaranteed Income Supplement
Low income seniors who need the Guaranteed Income Supplement (GIS) are not receiving the benefit because of flaws in the federal delivery of the program.
In 2002, the federal government identified that more than 134,000 Canadians were eligible for the GIS, but were not receiving the benefit. In my home province of Prince Edward Island, as many as 450 seniors were identified as eligible non-recipients.
How many Canadians does the Government of Canada estimate were eligible to receive the GIS in 2007?
How many Canadians received the GIS in 2007?
Please provide a copy of the regulations governing retroactive GIS payments.
Please provide the number of seniors identified as eligible non-recipients of the GIS benefit for the year 2007, by province and territory.