December 4, 2006
Prime Minister Stephen Harper
Langevin Building
80 Wellington Street
Ottawa ON K1A 0A2
Dear Prime Minister:
I am writing to bring to your attention the urgent need for the appointment of a permanent Deputy Minister of Veterans Affairs.
In August 2006, Mr. Jack Stagg, Deputy Minister of Veterans Affairs, passed away. During his time as Deputy Minister, Mr. Stagg provided outstanding service to Canada. His leadership at Veterans Affairs greatly contributed to the many successes experienced by the department in recent years.
While the current management of Veterans Affairs Canada is doing a very good job of supervising the department, the long period without a permanent Deputy Minister will impact on future strategic planning and policy development.
It is important to note that Veterans Affairs Canada is an essential department for Canadian Veterans and for the economy of Prince Edward Island. Veterans Affairs Canada now employs over 1,300 people in downtown Charlottetown. The department has a major impact on the economy of Prince Edward Island and the Deputy Minister plays an important role as the permanent head of the department.
It is imperative that a non-partisan permanent Deputy Minister who understands the necessity of fulfilling the two very distinct roles of managing the department, and demonstrating the leadership skills necessary to ensure the continuing growth and success of the department in Prince Edward Island be appointed as soon as possible.
Percy E. Downe
Senator |