
April 10, 2012


Honourable Gail Shea, P.C., M.P.
Minister of National Revenue
555 MacKenzie Avenue, 7th Floor
Ottawa ON  K1A 0L5

Dear Minister Shea:

I have a question regarding some of your recent statements.

In recent weeks, both yourself and your spokesperson have made some impressive claims about the Canada Revenue Agency’s record in detecting tax evasion. In particular, to quote your recent piece in the Hill Times, “Since our government came to power, the CRA has been able to assess more than $4-billion in taxes owed on money hidden offshore.”

My question is a simple one:

Of that $4 billion you’ve claimed the CRA has “assessed”, how much money has actually been collected:

a) in taxes;

b) in interest;

c) in CRA-imposed penalties; and

d) in court-imposed fines?

I have heard from many Canadians who are concerned about this issue and would appreciate a response.



Percy E. Downe

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