

September 29, 2009


Hon. Leona Aglukkaq, PC, MP
Minister of Health Canada
Brooke Claxton Building
70 Colombine Driveway, 16th Floor
Mail Stop: 0916A
Ottawa, ON K1A 0K9

Dear Minister Aglukkaq:

I have recently been contacted by Canadians that are becoming increasingly concerned about the high levels of sodium contained in our prepared foods, and they are looking to our Federal Government to mandate the changes that are required to correct the current situation.

The fact that the amount of sodium in a given food product differs between countries, and that in many cases the levels of sodium are higher in foods prepared and distributed for consumption in Canada, deserves serious consideration. Given the well-known health risks associated with high sodium intake—including the increased risk of high blood pressure which is a major risk factor for stroke, heart disease and kidney disease—I believe this issue demands immediate attention from the Federal Government.

According to Health Canada’s schedule, the Working Group on Dietary Sodium Reduction has concluded the preparatory and assessment stages, a strategic framework has been developed, and implementation is underway.

Of course, full implementation of a strategy based on consensus with diverse stakeholders will be challenging, but in your capacity as Minister of Health Canada, you have the responsibility to act in the best interest of Canadians when it comes to protecting our health and well being.

Canadians deserve action that goes beyond encouraging food companies to make voluntary changes. In Finland, legislation was introduced that set limits for sodium content and established mandatory labelling so that foods high in sodium carry a ‘high in salt content’ warning for consumers. New York City has undertaken a campaign to lower the amount of sodium Americans eat, and has advised food industries that it will consider legislative options if they fail to make significant progress. These ambitious attempts at reducing sodium intake offer fine models for Canada.

I call on you to recognize the seriousness of this issue and introduce much-needed legislation in the upcoming fall parliamentary session that requires the food and restaurant industries to reduce the amount of dietary sodium in their products.


Percy E. Downe

cc. Members of the Sodium Working Group representing:
The Scientific and Health Professional Community
Health-Focused and Consumer Non-Governmental Organizations

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