

June 23, 2009


Honourable Tony Clement, P.C., M.P.
Minister of Industry Canada
East Tower, 11th Floor
235 Queen Street
Ottawa ON K1A 0H5

Dear Minister Clement:

I have been contacted by concerned Prince Edward Islanders regarding an issue dealing with Rogers Communications’ recent application to build a cell tower in a residential neighbourhood in the City of Charlottetown. Charlottetown City Councillors heard significant concerns from residents and honoured the wishes of the residents of Charlottetown by denying the building construction permit.

Industry Canada has since overturned the decision and the project is proceeding in Charlottetown. This is more than a local issue; it has very serious ramifications for communities across Canada.

Under what authority has Industry Canada over-ruled the City of Charlottetown Council’s decision to deny Rogers Communications request to build a cell town?

And do you, as Minister of Industry Canada, support bureaucrats in Ottawa having the authority to over-turn the decisions made by any City Council?

I look forward to your response.



Percy E. Downe

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