
October 6, 2004

Right Honourable Paul Martin
Prime Minister of Canada
Room 309-S Centre Block
Ottawa ON
K1A 0A6

Dear Prime Minister:

It has come to my attention over the last number of months that a number of low-income seniors are not receiving the Guaranteed Income Supplement, to which they are entitled. I understand that the government has taken steps to reconcile this problem but flaws in the delivery of GIS still exist and need to be corrected.

The Guaranteed Income Supplement (GIS) makes a tremendous difference in the lives of many Canadian seniors. Further, it has played an important role in lowering the poverty rate among Canadian seniors during the last decade. According to Statistics Canada, the poverty rate among seniors has decreased from 11 per cent to 7.3 per cent. This achievement should be a source of pride for the government and all employees who have played a role in the creation and implementation of the program.

Unfortunately, there are still problems. In my home province of Prince Edward Island, it is estimated by Statistics Canada that there are more than 500 qualified seniors who are not receiving GIS. What is most troubling about this finding is the likelihood that these seniors are the ones who need it most: that they are the most vulnerable of our citizens.

These seniors include those who do not file income tax, or those who are simply not able to complete the form. Through no fault of their own, many seniors may be completely unaware that they are eligible to receive the monthly cheque of up to $550—an amount that could make a real difference in their lives.

If a senior does not file income tax, and I am advised that many do not, the only way to receive GIS is by contacting the government directly. Otherwise, as the system currently operates, the federal government has no means of directly contacting individuals. Conversely, if citizens of Canada do not file income tax, but owe the government money, there are ways in which the government makes contact. Considering that the government spends huge amounts of money to ensure that Canadians pay their taxes, it must also ensure that it pays the money owed to citizens in return.

I would like to acknowledge the success of the Take-Up Initiative created by Human Resources Development Canada which worked to ensure that more qualified seniors receive the GIS. However, the government cannot stop there. If there are over 500 seniors on Prince Edward Island who are still not receiving GIS, then I am sure there are

thousands of seniors throughout the country who are eligible but are not receiving the benefit.

I would request that you instruct the minister of Social Development to fix this flaw in the program by whatever means he deems necessary.

For my part, I will be doing what I can to publicize the program so that seniors and their families will be more aware of the GIS’s existence. To that end, I am enclosing a copy of a guest opinion piece I published in the Charlottetown Guardian.



Percy Downe


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