
November 8, 2006

The Honourable Peter MacKay, P.C., M.P.
Minister of Foreign Affairs and Minister of
the Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency
Lester B. Pearson Building
Tower A, 10th Floor
125 Sussex Drive
Ottawa ON K1A 0G2

Dear Minister MacKay:

After reviewing the announcement on funding for Prince Edward Island’s Confederation Centre of the Arts, I feel compelled to draw your attention to the disappointing disparities between the former government’s robust commitment and this government’s limited contribution.

In November 2005, the Government of Canada allocated an additional $5.8 million for the Confederation Centre. The new Harper Conservative Government has reduced this amount to $1.1 million in new funding, representing a shortfall of $4.7 million that was promised to Confederation Centre of the Arts.

As you are aware, the Confederation Centre plays a critical role in helping sustain and grow the Island’s cultural community by offering a wide variety of programs including theater productions, art exhibits, and youth workshops. Furthermore, the Centre is an integral part of the Island economy generating in excess of $34 million in monetary activity and creating hundreds of full-time jobs. The Centre is also a nationally and internationally recognized institution of the arts, which Minister Oda, in July 2006, reiterated when she said, “Every year, thousands of Canadians and tourists come to Prince Edward Island to take part in cultural activities at the Confederation Centre, whose reputation for artistic excellence has extended beyond the province’s borders.”

The Department of Canadian Heritage has already announced funding for a number of cultural projects. Over $30 million has already been released for cultural initiatives throughout Ontario, including contributions of $25 million for the Harbourfront Centre and $3 million for the Great Canadian Theatre Company. Why is Prince Edward Island not receiving a fair share of funding?

Based on these figures and the $12 billion surplus, in your capacity as the Minister responsible for Prince Edward Island, I am requesting that you restore the full funding promised to the Confederation Centre. Minister Bev Oda has been working on this file for months and is either indifferent or incompetent, as no positive results have been received. With additional financial support, the Confederation Centre’s dedicated employees and volunteers can continue to provide residents and visitors with a vibrant place for celebrating Canada’s diverse history and culture. I look forward to your resolution of this matter and the restoration of the $4.7 million in funding for Confederation Centre of the Arts.


Percy E. Downe

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