October 31, 2006
The Honourable Greg Thompson, P.C., M.P.
Minister of Veterans Affairs
Veterans Affairs Canada
66 Slater Street, 16th Floor
Ottawa ON K1A 0P4
Dear Minister Thompson:
Earlier this year, I introduced An Act to Amend the Public Service Employment Act to the Senate for First Reading. This bill was designed to achieve the following two main objectives:
- That veterans who have served in a special duty area be given priority status for employment in the public service. Essentially, that they be entitled, once they cease to be employed by the Canadian Forces, to a position in the Federal Public Service, for which – in the opinion of the Public Service Commission – the person is qualified; and
- That this status should also be extended to the surviving spouse of a member of the Canadian Forces who had served in a special duty area (war zone).
I have not proceeded to take further action on this bill because I am hopeful that Veterans Affairs Canada will propose legislation that will address these obvious oversights in the Public Service Employment Regulations. As Minister of Veterans Affairs Canada, I am corresponding with you directly to urge you to adopt the principle of my proposed bill as a priority and implement its speedy passage. If your government saw fit to include this initiative in its legislative agenda, the benefits would be extended to Canadian Forces members much faster than through my efforts.
It is time for the Government of Canada to take action and provide better support for our Canadian Forces Members who serve in conflict zones. I look forward to your speedy resolution of this gap in the legislation.
Percy E. Downe
Senator |