Media Releases and Communications
Atlantic Canada |
- How much Federal Funding can Prince Edward Island Expect for the 150th Anniversary of the 1864 Charlottetown Conference?, June 16, 2012
- Charlottetown Senator Writes Minister MacKay Regarding Federal Government Job Cuts in Atlantic Canada, January 25, 2012
- Atlantic Canada's Losses are Ottawa's Gains, November 15, 2011
- Charlottetown Senator Writes Prime Minister Harper Urging for Fairness for Atlantic Canada, October 28, 2011
Veterans Affairs |
- Federal cuts threaten program hiring medically discharged vets, By David McKie, CBC News, August 4, 2012
- Feature on the Priority Hiring program and what many critics say are its shortcomings in helping veterans get jobs. CBC RADIO - THE HOUSE,
August 4, 2012
- Letter from Veterans Ombudsman who strongly supports that Veterans Affairs Canada should be exempt from the Government-wide deficit reduction exercise, November 21, 2011
- Broken Government Promises, Inquiry—Debate Continued – Senator Percy E. Downe, March 8, 2011
- Government’s Promised Veterans’ Health Care Review Has been Stopped, February 28, 2011
- Letter from Bette J. Hudson on behalf of Widows on a Warparth, February 2, 2011
- Prime Minister Harper Failing to Keep his Promises to Veterans, February 10, 2011
- Update on Veterans Issues, January 14, 2010
- Minister of Veterans Affairs Ignoring Departmental Advice, January 13, 2011
- Watchdog to Probe Veterans’ Charter: Auditor General will examine compensation of sick, wounded troops, By Bruce Campion,
The Toronto Star, December 10, 2010
- Sheila Fraser to Audit New Veterans Charter, By Philip Ling, CTV News, December 8, 2010
- Auditor general to probe lump-sum disability payments for veterans, By Kathryn May, The Ottawa Citizen, December 8, 2010
- Update on Veterans Issues, December 8, 2010
- Canadian Veterans Still Fighting for their Rights, November 30, 2010
- Dole Out Leftover Agent Orange Funds - Widow, The Daily Gleaner, November 27, 2010
- Agent Orange Compensation for Veterans Totalling $33 Million Returned to Government Coffers, November 25, 2010
- Dallaire says Veterans Affairs should stay in P.E.I., By Ryan Ross, Charlottetown Guardian October 28, 2010
- 'You ain't seen nothing yet': Stogran, August 20th, 2010
- Veterans Affairs Canada – Reduction of Services Main Concern Among Veterans, August 19, 2010
- Justice Minister Rob Nicholson: Tough on Veterans, June 23, 2010
- Senator Downe Supports Government Bill C-13, June 22, 2010
- Letter to Maria Barrados, President of the Public Service Commission, regarding Priority Employment Status for Medically Released Veterans, June 15, 2010
- Letter from Maria Barrados, President of the Public Service Commission to Senator Downe, June 10, 2010
- Feds need to instruct all departments to start hiring medically-released Canadian Forces veterans, by Liberal Senator Percy Downe, The Hill Times, published June 7, 2010
- Senator Downe Urges Prime Minister to Increase Government’s Participation in Priority Employment for Veterans, May 28, 2010
- Letter written to the Minister of Veterans Affairs Canada, Hon. Jean-Pierre Blackburn, regarding the War Veterans Allowance, May 26, 2010
- Letter to Maria Barrados, President of the Public Service Commission, regarding Priority Employment Status for Medically Released Veterans, May 25, 2010
- Public Service priority for widows still coming, By Kathryn May, Ottawa Citizen, April 19, 2010
- Senator Downe Questions Federal Government Regarding Veterans Issues, April 6, 2010
- Senator Downe Asks Auditor General to Examine Implementation of New Veterans Charter, February 16, 2010
Tax Evasion |
- On-air Interview Regarding Overseas Tax Evasion with Tyler McLean of "McLean in the Morning" New 95.7 (Moncton), November 9, 2012
- Senator Writes Prime Minister Harper to Appoint Senior Public Servant to Lead Revenue Agency, November 5, 2012
- Senator wants new Canada Revenue Agency head to rein in overseas tax cheats,
By Jordan Press, Postmedia News,
November 4, 2012
- Senator asks Parliamentary Budget Officer to Investigate
Canada Revenue Agency's Failure to Apply Resources in Addressing
Overseas Tax Evasion, October 24, 2012
- Video - Senator Downe Guest on Power Play with Don Martin "Senator Says Canada's Tax Evaders Get Easy Treatment", October 17, 2012
- Passive Canadian Government Not Forcefully Hunting Secret Overseas Bank Accounts, October 16, 2012
- Canada's tax evaders get easy treatment compared to those in Australia, Europe, Published on iPolitics, October 11, 2012
- Letters to Gail #4: What is the problem? Why no tax deal? If Andorra can do it, why not Canada?, May 1, 2012
- Letters to Gail #3: Contempt for Parliament? Gail Shea refuses to answer Written Questions in Parliament but provides information
to CBC’s The National, April 23, 2012
- Letters to Gail: #2 in a series regarding her lack of action in dealing with overseas tax evasion, April 16, 2012
- Letters to Gail: #1 in a series regarding her lack of action in dealing with overseas tax evasion, April 10, 2012
- Minister Shea Fails to Explain Policy Change, (Published in: The Hill Times), April 9, 2012
- Charlottetown Senator Urges Auditor General to Investigate Canada Revenue Agency, April 2, 2012
- Is the Canada Revenue Agency Bending Rules to Protect Overseas Tax Evaders?, March 26, 2012
- Overseas Tax Evasion Inquiry Speech, February 28, 2012
- Letter to Honourable Gail Shea, P.C., M.P. Minister of National Revenue, June 14, 2011
- $12,000,000 in a Single Account, and Still No Charges Laid, December 14, 2010
- Canada: Sucker Nation for Tax Cheats, (By Diane Francis of the Financial Post), October 7, 2010
- Harper’s Conservatives
Soft on Tax Evasion, October 7, 2010
Do Not Call List |
- Federal Government Fails to Protect Canadians on Do Not Call List, February 4, 2009
- Letter from Senator Downe to the Minister of Industry, February 25, 2009
- Letter from the Minister of Industry to Senator Downe Regarding the Abuse of the National Do-Not-Call List, July 11, 2009
- Government Fails to Collect Do Not Call List Fines, July 7, 2010
Foreign Affairs |
- Canada - Panama Economic Growth and Prosperity Bill - Bill C-24: Third Reading, Speech Delivered by Senator Percy E. Downe, December 11, 2012
- Bill C-24: Canada-Panama Free Trade Agreement Second Reading Speech Delivered by Senator Percy E. Downe, November 21, 2012
- What was the rush in passing the Canada-Jordan Free Trade Agreement? Published in: Embassy Magazine, July 11, 2012
- Charlottetown Senator Questions Government’s Haste in Rushing Canada Jordan Free Trade Agreement Legislation, July 4, 2012
- Charlottetown Senator Percy Downe expresses concerns regarding Bill C-23, the Canada–Jordan Trade Agreement, June 28, 2012
- Senate encourages Brazil trade, (By Barry Wilson of the Western Producer), June 8th, 2012
- New era of Canada-Brazil Relations to Generate a Multiplicity of Opportunities, June 6, 2012
- Senator Downe Elected Vice-Chair of Senate Standing Committee On Foreign Affairs and International Trade, December 2, 2010
- Senator Downe addresses Citizenship Ceremony: Welcomes “Our newest fellow Islanders”, October 28, 2010
Other Issues |
- Charlottetown Senator Percy Downe supports Bill C-313, June 29, 2012
- Letter from Senator Downe to the Minister of Health Canada, June 12, 2012
- Letter to Senator Downe from the Minister of Health Canada, July 11, 2012
- Whose Senate Reform is it Anyway?, March 22, 2012
- Why Hire a Company to Hire the Auditor General?, November 2, 2011
- Senator Downe Addresses the General Assembly of the Council of Europe at the Parliamentary Association of the Council of Europe Meetings in Strasbourg, France:
- Downe Urges Further Study of Freezing Assets of Corrupt Regimes Act, March 22, 2011
- Downe Urges Careful Study of Bill C-61, March 10, 2011
- “Was Guergis given the benefit of the doubt?” Daniel Leblanc and John Ibbitson, Globe and Mail, April 16, 2010
- Senator Downe Interviewed Regarding Guergis Affair, CBC Radio One’s World This Hour, April 16, 2010
- Senator Downe a Guest on CBC Radio One’s Beat the House, February 22, 2010
Question Period in the Senate
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